And your wise man don't know how it feels

It's hard to explain how surreal this is. Me, middle aged, after several unwanted, unplanned, sudden changes in my life, in my childhood room; with all the tropes of my adult life - Blender, Warcraft, managing my own time more or less - but in my childhood room. In this city. With my dad in the living room. The reason I wanted to write was that I put on Jethro Tull. Jethro was my first 'official' fave band. I inherited love for the Beatles as a child from my dad, moving the record-player's needle back again and again to listen to Eleanor Rigby on repeat, as as eight years old; but come age 14, with meeting the LARP people and finally slotting into a group where I belonged, I was introduced to Tull; the guy I was in love with, five years older than me and as decent as to initiate nothing sexual when I slept over at his, whistled Bouree for me on the phone. I can no longer tell whether I was hooked or did it to impress him, but I've been listening to Jethro Tull fo...