
Showing posts from January, 2025

Blender in Persia, hair cards and fire

  Could be I've been too hasty to call this diary gone; Unexpectedly, there's suddenly stuff I can, and want, to share - that isn't as private as thoughts and emotions. Incoming explanation.  For six or seven years I taught Blender for Warcraft art, and made Warcraft art with Blender, mostly commissions. I suck at commissions; diving into polishing the models can be a bottomless pit, and I happily fall in because I enjoy it, but it meant that even with charging around 60 euro per commission, I would be paid something like one euro per hour. That was disheartening, but when I managed to put that aside it was pure fun. More than that; it was the thing that got me out of bed in the morning.  Not the depressed kind of 'I've nothing else to get out of bed for', but the enthusiastic, passionate kind of being hyper-focused on something both challenging and rewarding; and Blender's been managing to keep me hyper-focused since 2015. Even when bad things happened - di...

The Beatles were right

  Life did a 180, and since life wasn't great since January 2023, a one-eighty is a very good thing. I met a guy. That was six months ago. Two months ago we moved in together. He has two kids and I regularly play Skyrim with the 10 years old and cook with the 16 year old. There's the world's most hilarious cat. There's love and laughter and homeyness and reading Pratchett together. The Ozmpic worked as well as it can, aka peeled 20 kgs off me and then stopped, and it hardly shows but it changed everything regarding my health and independence. I can easily get up now if I sit on the floor. It's expensive, and I'll need to keep using it for the rest of my life or I'll re-gain the weight, and it's worth it. There's regular psychology classes and they're eye-opening and invaluable and already make a big difference in my coachees' lives, and in mine; psychology is fascinating. No commissions were coming in - perhaps because I've been absent fo...