An introduction

My first diary was a paperback notebook when I was 13. I don't count the hard-cover narrow notebook I wrote my dreams in when I was eight, as I didn't keep up with that. The rest moved on with the time; notebook to a cute, red-cover, embossed book that felt like a fantasy tome, then a few of them lovely nineties hardcovers, then at 2001 Livejournal, at 2010 Blogger, and here we are. Even Blogger had a few incarnations - the downright private diary, which was made truly private after ten years because we all have to grow up and accept that the internet can be a double-edged sword; my Thailand chapter blog, which was openly designed to be public, and now, as the Thailand chapter of my life is closing in two days, along with 2023, it's time for a new diary. 'Blog', I feel, indicates it's there to involve other people. This place isn't that - it's just my thoughts and life. It's not very interesting, and it's mostly a place to process the brain-soup...